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Community Engagement

At Lakeland Arts, I ran the 'In The Moment' dementia program of weekly and monthly art activities for people living with dementia. I also built and fostered long-term relationships with community partners including Manna House and Space2Create. These programs and partnerships welcomed new audiences, built the public profile of Lakeland Arts and supported central funding applications.

I have completed an 'Intermediate Health and Wellbeing' course by GEM and 'Communicating through Creativity' training by Pioneer Projects for facilitators of arts and dementia programs. 

In 2023 at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, I was presented with the Award of Excellence in Programs by the Ontario Museums Association for the planning & delivery of ‘Creative Connections: Art and Dementia’. This project consisted of a series of art workshops with seniors and school children, led in partnership with Indigenous artist Naomi Smith, resulting in a public exhibition and celebration. 


'In The Moment' art programs for people living with dementia 

Community projects and partnerships 

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